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Thanks to the use of plastics from renewable or recycled sources, optimized production processes, efficient product volume management, and the use of FSC-certified eco-friendly packaging, the Linea series reduces CO2 equivalent emissions by over 80%, saving approximately 500 tonnes of CO2 annually. Additionally, 97% of Linea production contains plastics from renewable and recycled sources within an ISCC PLUS certified supply chain (mass balance), significantly reducing environmental impact.
Carefully designed also to optimise the use of energy resources, Linea makes best use of the state-of-the-art technology of the View Wireless connected system and of the By-me Plus home automation system. Both systems are designed to accommodate the needs of the users of a home in real-time, providing smart control to turn lights on and off and adjust their brightness, creating customised scenarios, and even deploying advanced automations in temperature management, including multi-zone, ensuring optimal energy consumption, with savings of between 30 and 60%. This allowed you to a responsible use of energy, checking the consumption levels of your entire home or of every individual electrical load, with the possibility of displaying the energy produced by a photovoltaic system and of using it for your favourite household appliances.

Linea undertakes many actions to reduce environmental impact, representing Vimar’s clear commitment to a sustainable future, turning its positive energy into concrete actions

Discover more about LINEA here

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